
Monday, November 20, 2023

Ida Pelliccioli performs: Debussy and Influences

During the month of October, the Music Society of Stilbaai was surprised and enchanted by the young Italian and extremely gifted pianis, Ida Pelliccioli, who visited South Africa for the first time.

Pelliccioli presented an interesting programme, entitled Debussy and Influences. It consisted mostly of unknown compositions by Rameau and Albeniz, both very different in style, and their influence on Debussy’s music. Her expert and thought-provoking comments before each item, along with her brilliant interpretation of these compositions, were exceptional.

Die aand is geopen met Rameau se Suite in A mineur for clavichord  waartydens Pelliccioli die klavier se klank en speeltegniek meesterlik “omskep” het in die klankkleur van n klavikord. Die Suite is ingelei met die drie elegante tradisionele dansvorme, Allemande, Courante en Sarabande, wat gevolg is deur “Les Trois Mains” en die “Gavotte vir 6 dubbelspele.  Dit is gevolg deur Debussy se "Homage a Rameau" waar Debussy sy diepe respek vir Rameau as komponis toon. Die komposisie is geskryf as 'n "Sarabande"-‘n stadige maatslagdans waarin betekenisvolle stiltes en nootresonansies voorkom. Laasgenoemde is kenmerkend van Debussy se persoonlike styl. Die Spaanse komponis Albeniz se komposisie La Vega uit Suite of the Alhambra het hierna gevolg. Die besondere passievolle flamingo-dansritmes in hierdie komposisie verg groot pianistiese uitdagings wat briljant en met meesterlike musikaliteit deur Pelliccioli gehanteer is.

 The programme concluded with three short Debussy compositions: La Puerto del Vino, Evening in Granada and Masques. The Spanish influence in these compositions was noticable through the use of motifs reminiscent of guitar music and flamingo dances.

Ida Pelliccioli het haar eie styl waarin balans en passie met vurigheid en doeltreffendheid oorgedra word. Haar vertolking van hierdie program toon nie net haar briljante tegniek nie, maar ook haar vermoĆ« om belangrike melodieĆ«, betekenisvolle dinamiese vlakke, pouses, nuanses en die atmosfeer van elke komposisie meesterlik oor te dra. Uitsonderlik was die briljante hantering van die uiters effektiewe verdwynende slotnoot by Debussy se komposisies. Haar liefde vir beweging was opvallend in die natuurlike meelewing waar liggaam en instrument een word. 

Na ‘n welverdiende staande applous is die entoesiastiese gehoor vereer met twee uitsonderlike encores: die pragtige  Sonata K492 van Scarlatti en  Prokofiev se tweede Tarantella.

Well done Ida! We look forward to welcoming you back in Stilbaai again! 

Betekenisvolle aanhalings;

Iron hands, but with velvet elegance: Ida Pelliccioli’s technical abilities make us forget about the pieces complexity, for the greatest delight of the audience.                                                                                       (Fabrice Fenoy)

It would be too limited to speak about her playing in terms of virtuosity: obviously, her powerful playing, her fast tempi, her energy, her implication, her determination can impress, but beyond a keyboard feel where precision and regularity don’t prevent her touch from delicacy, I would like to stress the intelligence with which the pieces are played, which is translated during a concert in a spectacular concentration. Ida Pelliccioli is a true musician. She certainly has a promising talent that we can watch blossom with confidence and delight.    (Patrice Martinet)

Nina du Toit

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