
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Wits Trio in Gala Konsert

On the 11th of  November the Stilbaai Music Society concluded their yearly program on a high note, with a Gala Concert by the Wits Trio - three excellent soloists from Gauteng. The Trio consists of violinist, Zanta Hofmeyr, pianist, Malcolm Nay and cellist, Maciej Lacny.

Zanta Hofmeyr studied at the Julliard School of Music in New York and debuted at Carnegie Hall before returning to South Africa. She has received numerous awards and scholarships. Her most recent awards include best female artist at the KKNK, and a SAMA nomination for her CD "Cantilena" . She has made numerous recordings and has featured as soloist with South African orchestras in performances of concertos by Britten, Beethoven, Bach, Mendelssohn etc. 

Malcolm Nay is widely regarded as one of the finest chamber pianists and accompanists in South Africa. After graduating with B.Mus at Wits University he travelled on scholarships to America where he studied with Bale Siki. He has appeared with most of South Africa's major orchestras and is currently Associate Professor at the School of Music at Wits.

Maciej  Lacny was born in Cracow (Poland) in 1977. He graduated from Cracow Conservatory of Music (2001). From 1995 to 1999 he performed in concerts with the Cracow Quartet in Switzerland, Belgium, Holland and Germany and with various symphony orchestras. From 1996 to 2007 he played as principal cellist of the Cracow Radio Symphony Orchestra. He is currently co-principal cellist of the Johannesburg Festival orchestra.

Die konsert het uit 3 grootse kamermusiek werke bestaan. Die essensie van goeie Kamermusiek lĂȘ tegelyk in die samespel en die wisselwerking tussen instrumente sonder dat een die ander oorheers - terwyl elke instrument kans kry om vir n rukkie die melodie te dra. En dit het hierdie kunstenaars by uitstek illustreer. 

Die Beethoven Trio Opus 11 is oorspronklik geskryf vir die klarinet, cello en klavier maar is later deur die komponis verwerk. Die Finale van hierdie werk bestaan uit 9 variasies van n gewilde melodie uit n komiese opera. Veral die speelse geskerts tussen die twee snaarinstrumente, gerugsteun deur sterk akkorde van die klavier, het groot byval by die gehoor gevind.

Die Brahms Trio in C Min. begin met rustige swaar akkorde tipies van die komponis, maar verander in vinnige pizzicato gesprek tussen viool en cello wat die gevoel van water wat vinnig oor klippe borrel en spoel voor dit in n rustige dam eindig, weergegee het.  Dit is voorwaar 'n vertoonstuk wat die virtiositeit van hierdie twee strykers laat blyk het.

The second half of the program was devoted to Piazolla, the acclaimed Argentinian tango composer. His "Four Seasons" was originally  individual pieces which now has been arranged in different combinations for small instrumental groups and even for full orchestras. It is a delightful piece of music.

Die stuk het n sterk tango ritme. Die tjello het met n sangerige cantabile styl besondere agtergrond gegee aan elke ondersteunende akkord van die klavier, terwyl die viool met ryk strelende klanke en dartelende spelerige passasies die melodie gedra het. Die kunstenaars is met reg staande deur die gehoor toegejuig. 

Wat n voorreg om sulke talentvolle kunstenaars te kan beleef. En wat n besondere afsluiting van die jaar se musikale aanbiedinge. 

Bettie, Danie, Louise

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