
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Megan-Geoffrey Prins

Op 5 Augustus 2016 het musiekliefhebbers 'n besondere ervaring beleef om te kon luister na die bekende jong konsert-pianis Megan-Geoffrey Prins - afkomstig van Riversdal.

He started piano lessons at a very early age, originally being taught by his mother. Later he achieved his BA.Mus. at the University of Stellenbosch under the tutorship of Prof. Nina Schumann, and later his MA.Mus. at the Cleveland University in Ohio, USA. He is currently busy with his doctorate in music under the renowned Prof. Antonio Pompa-Baldi

On his visit to his home country, he took part in various music competitions and amongst others, won the overall prize in the yearly ATKV music competition in Pretoria. Before returning to the USA, he went on a short concert tour through our country. 

Sy konsertprogram het sy besondere liefde en voorkeur vir die musiek van Rachmaninov getoon. Die variasies op 'n tema van Corelli bestaan uit 'n groep van 21, maar meestal word net 15 uitgevoer. Megan het daarmee gewys hoe sy uitsonderlike talent al ontwikkel het. 

Die grootse Beethoven Waldheim Sonata is gevolg deur Chopin se Ballade no 2 Opus 47.  Die werke van Chopin is die hoogtpunt van die Romantiese tydperk en hierdie Ballade met sy mooi ryk akkoorde het die Romantiese styl sterk laat deurkom. 

The Études-Tableaux Opus 39 no.2 by Rachmaninov again showed that Megan had mastered the technical skill necessary to perform at any level.

Variations op 'n tema van Paganini deur Brahms was 'n fees van klank en beheer. Die hooftema word tussen die verskillende stemme verdeel en vorm 'n speelse tema in trillers, derdes, sesdes en soms sinkopatiese ritme. Die verskillende klanksterkte (p en f) is 'n bewys van die ongelooflike tegniek van hierdie jong man en getuig van besondere talent en harde werk.

We wish him the very best for the future and will follow his career with great interest.

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