Die twee jong manne, Gerrit Roos en Jonathan Moolman van Pretoria tree sedert 2006 oor die hele RSA saam op, Albei het hulle Meestersgrade afgelê as studente van Abri Jordaan.
The first half of the program consisted of mainly Spanish type music. Amongst others the audience was treated to "Serenada Española" by Malats, "Granada" and "El Puerto" by Albeniz, Spanish Dance no 11 by Granados and the ever popular Cavatina - the theme song from the "Deer hunter". It was facinating to hear the two guitars constantly and effortlessly swopping themes and rhythms, changing the overall sound from sharp to woody and back again. It was obvious that the two guitarists have a keen understanding of the music they play, interpreting it with feeling and skill.
Die tweede helfte van die program is ingelei met 'n meesleurende "High Noon" gevolg deur die guitige 'Millie's walk" wat deur Jonathan gekomponeer is en baie geniet is deur die gehoor. Die welbekende "Asturias" was oorspronklik die prelude tot 'n groter werk en is klaarblyklik 'n klank"skets" van die bergreeks in hierdie Spaanse gebied. Hierdie moeilike stuk is oorspronklik geskryf vir een kitaar, maar met twee kitare is dit net nog grootser en is dit vaardig en gevoelvol uitgevoer. Die oggend is afgesluit met die "Bohemian Rhapsody" met sy verskillende genres musiek, van Rock tot opera. Dit was 'n besondere gewilde keuse en het die gehoor spontaan op hulle voete gehad.
This was the second time that the Vivace Guitar Duo gave a concert in Stilbaai. They tell us they enjoy the acoustics of the hall, the enthusiasm of the audience and the hospitality of the people to such an extent that they are planning to come back to record their next CD in the very same NG Church Hall-East, in front of an audience! A feather in the cap of the Music Society!
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!
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