The pianist is known for well-balanced programmes. In
his own words: “Contrasts are so important in a concert program. It is
important to play a wide repertoire and variety of styles. You have to change
and adjust your thinking, stylist techniques, sound imagination and different
approaches to the piano all the time when you play music of different composers.”
This perfectly describes the excellent programme Gustavo presented to us.
Aangesien Covid die 250-jarige herdenking van
Beethoven se verjaarsdag in die wiele gery het, het die pianis die geleentheid
gebruik om Beethoven ‘n prominente plek in sy program te gee. Die program is ge-open
met drie sonatas naamlik die Rondo in C majeur, Op 51 no 1 wat
Beethoven op 20 jarige leeftyd gekomponeer het, gevolg deur Sonata in D majeur, Op 10 no 3 en die
meestelike Sonata in F mineur Op 57,
meer bekend as die Appasionata.
Laasgenoemde is gekomponeer toe Beethoven reeds doof was en verg ‘n pianis wat
tussen uiterste dinamiese vlakke kan beweeg, verstommende moeilike tegniese
passasies kan bemeester en in die geheel
nog die vermoë het om die werk besonder
musikaal en emosioneel in te kleur. Hierin het Gustavo meestelik
voldoen. Sy tempo en tydsberekening is buitengewoon en sy fokus en konsentrasie
The second half of the program, which according to the pianist is usually not so challenging, was devoted to 20th century shorter pieces by a variety of composers, including Bloch, Sibelius, Chaminade and Liszt. Each composition requires its own interpretation that was flawlessly performed by the pianist who could comfortably adapt to each style and technique. One of the highlights was Fazil Say's Black Earth where sounds and rhythms were produced by playing strings on the piano with one hand and notes on the keyboard with the other. The program concluded with Liszt's Mephisto Waltz which requires body, emotions and skills to be bound together as a unit of sound - performed brilliantly by the pianist.
Die staande en enstoesiastiese toejuiging van die gehoor het daartoe bygedra dat die pianis die gehoor met die besonderse encore-meevaller, Ritual Fire Dance deur Manuel de Falla, gegroet het.
Wat ‘n belewenis……. Wat ‘n talent…… Wat ‘n voorreg om
hierdie onvergeetlike uitvoering in Stilbaai te kon beleef….. BRAVO GUSTAVO ROMERO!
Nina du Toit
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