
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Duo: Zappa & Mainolfi

Mattia & Massi
On a warm Sunday afternoon, 24th February, a large group of enthusiastic music lovers were treated to the virtuosity of the two great musicians, Mattia Zappa (cello) and Massimiliano Mainolfi (piano). They formed their Duo partnership in 1994 when they were studying ts at the prestigious Juilliard School in New York. Since then they have achieved international acclaim as a duo, whilst also following successful, individual careers. As a chamber music unit they have performed all over Europe. Prize winners of several prestigious international competitions in Europe, the Duo made their Carnegie Hall debut in 2001 and their live broadcast debut at the Berlin Philharmonic Hall in 2003. This is their 4th South African tour.

Die program van die middag, het bestaan uit werke van J S Bach, Samual Barber, Daniel Schnyder en die grootse Ludwig von Beethoven.  JS Bach  se Gamba Sonata nr.3 in G min. het die konsert ingelei. Die werk begin met n vrolike, ritmiese vivace gevolg deur n meesleurende adagio wat eindig in n lang, enkel noot vol heimwee. Tweede aan die beurt is Samual Barber se Tjello Sonata Op.6. Dit is n moderne maar baie romantiese komposisie, dateer uit 1932. Dit is n indrukwekkende werk wat begin met swaar donker basnote wat geleidelik oorgaan in nostalgiese passasies en eindig met n heerlike vrolike melodie op die tjello. Dit is ook n vertoonstuk vir die vaardigheid van die klavierspeler.

After intermission Ad Aerternam  by Daniel Schnyder (1961) was performed. This haunting piece was dedicated to a fellow cellist, Daniel Pezzotti, who had died of cancer - and the nostalgia for a lost friend was rendered with great feeling by the two artists.

Listening to the Cello & Piano Sonata Op.69 in A ,  one can understand why Ludwig von Beethoven is regarded as the greatest composer. The Sonata was written in 1808, one of only 5 Sonatas for cello and piano. These Sonatas illustrates Beethoven's development as a composer. Op.69  is described as the first cello/piano sonata in history to give the two instruments equal importance. The captive audience was enthralled by the brilliant performance and gave the musicians a well deserved standing ovation.

Matti het interessante inligting oor die musiek vertel en Massi het voorts sy "klanklose klavier" gedemonstreer. Dit is n opvoubare klawerbord waarop hy kan oefen, sonder om gaste elders in die hotel of B&B waar hulle tuisgaan, te pla!

Almal was dit eens dat dit weer n sielsverrykende ervaring was - n Sondagmiddag om te onthou. ONS SAL HULLE GRAAG WEER HIER WIL VERWELKOM.

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