They have played in some of the world's greatest concert halls, ie the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Royal Albert Hall in London, Carnegie Hall in New York and the Philharmonie in Berlin and what a privilege it was to listen to them here in Stilbaai.
Hulle program het bestaan uit werke uit 4 tydperke - Barok, Klassiek, Romanties en Modern. Dit is ingelei deur die Fantasie in D min. van Henry Purcell, afkostig uit die tyd van Bach. Dis n meesleurende, teer stuk musiek gekenmerk deur afwisselende samespel deur die verskillende instrumente, uitstekend uitgevoer deur die Trio.
The Beethoven string Trio in G maj. Op 9 No 1, the first of three string Trios written in 1797, is considered to be one of Beethoven's finest compositions. A romantic Adagio is followed by a feisty Schertso and a robust Presto, all of which was handled with great confidence by the three young musicians who clearly understood the nuances of the music.
Gideon Klein was 'n talentvolle jong Joodse komponis wat op 26 jarige leeftyd in die Nazi konsentrasiekamp sy lewe verloor het en sy laaste komposisie is vervolgens uitgevoer. Dis n baie emosionele werk met skrille kontraste en wanklanke wat moeilik op die oor val, maar mens totaal fassineer.

The last piece was the delightful String Trio in E flat Maj. by Mozart, known as the Divertimento. It
started off with a sprightly Allegro followed by a sublime Adagio and ended with a coquettish Minnuetto that had the audience spontaneously on their feet. Throughout the performance it was obvious that the trio enjoyed playing together, all the time being fully aware of each other, and each in full command of their instruments.
Die encore was die 2e Beweging van 'n Snaar Trio deur Jean Francaix, 'n meesleurende melodie wat herinner aan 'n wiegelied, gevoelvol uitgevoer deur hierdie 3 talentvolle musikante.
Kommentaar vanuit die gehoor: "Dit was die beste uitvoering wat nog hier aangebied is." 'n Groot kompliment vir die drie kunstenaars wat duidelik nog groot hoogtes sal bereik.
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