
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The three gentlemen from Vienna, performing as “The Vienna Symphony Virtuosi” did not disappoint the audience on that beautiful Saturday morning of the 20th.September. Rudolf Gindlhumer, the solo flutist, Konrad Monsberger, trumpeter and Karl Eichinger, pianist, performed the, sometimes, very difficult music flawlessly, with great feeling and with perfect timing and were warmly applauded by the audience. 
The first half of the program consisted of music by Hayden, Mozart and Diabelli, delightful pieces played with flair.
The three startlingly modern compositions they performed after interval, by Austrian composers, Schönberg, Takàcs and Schulhoff, were included in the program at the insistence of the Austrian Embassy and the Stilbaai audience found it strange and sometimes unmelodic but still very interesting. It was also clear to everyone that all three performers are of world class standard. It was an honour for the Stilbaai Music Society to host artists of this caliber.
The time of the performance, namely Saturday morning, and the arrangement of the chairs in the hall met with approval by most. It is however only possible to arrange concerts at this time if it suits the artists and chairs can only be arranged as was done during morning performances, due to the lighting factor.

Op Sondagaand 19 Oktober 2014 om 19.30, en aan huis van die Steytlers te Hoofweg-Oos 11, gaan Bettie Niehaus, een van ons langs-dienende lede van die bestuur van die Stilbaai Musiekvereniging ons toespreek oor ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse ikoon, “ Mimi Coertze”.Die praatjie sal toegelig word met gepaste musiek en videobeelde, en beloof om baie genotvol en leersaam te wees. Kom gerus!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi admin
Its acutely impressive, that is the account you adore I agreeable it.
Native Americans are acquisitive to allotment their ancestor with their families and friends. One of the means they do this is through their music, decidedly through the music of the Native American flute.
Best Regards
Cynthia Sarah