Her programme which was accompanied by interesting information about
the pieces to be performed, was inspired by the forgotten music of composer Manuel Blasco de Nebra. (1750-1784).
She began with three short sonatas by the Italian composer Domenico Scarlatti
(1685 – 1757). The first and third of which were at a sparkling, lively
tempo, flamenco style, whilst the second was slower and more introspective. However
all three were played by Ida with plenty of gusto and attack.
Daarna volg 2 Fantasieë deur Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1754-1791).
Hierdie 2 stukke het weereens sterk kontrasteer. Mozart was n groot bewonderaar
van Bach en het na ‘n konsert van Bach se fugas gesê:”Ek sal nooit weer kan konponeer
nie!” Tog het hy, inspireer deur Bach, Fugas aangepak - soos die Fantasia and
Fugue in C maj, baie dramaties en opwindend uitgevoer deur Ida. In boeiende
kontras daarmee volg die meer nostalgiese Fantasia in C min. waar Ida se
fyn aanvoeling vir emosie na vore gekom het.
Then followed two pieces by the forgotten Spanish composer Manuel Blasco
de Nebra (1750 – 1784), whom Ida described as “the Spanish Scarlatti”. When he
died his sisters sold his impressive collection of 1833 pieces for harpsicord,
organ and pianoforte – 172 pieces being his own works, which has now been
revived. An interesting fact is that he used the binary form, using only 2
movements in his Sonatas thus the sonatas, Sonata no. 10 in C maj. and Sonata
no. 1 in C min., were each in two movements: an adagio, followed by a more
lively allegro. Again Ida’s virtuosity was impeccable.
De Brada se werk word soms vergelyk met dié van Schubert en daarom word
die genoeglike program afgesluit met Franz Schubert se Drei Klavierstücke
D946. Al 3 stukke is in Rondo formaat, d.i. ‘n hooftema afgewissel met
kontrasterende seksies. tipies ABACA of ABACABA. Die stukke is baie intiem romanties
met ongewone harmonieë en pragtige, roerende melodieë. Die uitvoering was
intens en meesleurend, uitgevoer deur n wêreldklas pianis wat duidelik toegewyd
is aan haar werk en haar spel – en dit alles sonder bladmusiek!!
At the end of the performance Ida was rewarded by sustained applause and
a standing ovation from a very appreciative audience, provoking not 1 but 2 short
encores – Scarlatti's Sonata K.43 en de Nebra's Sonata 9 in A min. – both fast, nimble
and energetic.
What a beautiful, rewarding evening with which to end 2024’s Music
Society concert programme.
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