Morgan Szimansky speel kitaar van hy 6 jaar oud is. Hy het o.a. studeer aan die royal College of Music in London onder Carlos Bonell en Gary Ryan waar hy sy meestersgraad met onderskeiding verwerf het in 2004. Die Classical Guitar Magazine" het hom bestempel as " n speler bestem vir toekomstige glorie".
James Grace, one of South Africa's leading classical artists, is currently Head of Classical Studies at the University of Cape Town's Music Scool. He also studied in London at the RCM and was the first South African to receive the prestigious Tagor Gold Medal presented to the most outstanding student of the year. In South Africa he has received numerous awards like KANNA, Fiesta, and SAMA.
Hul program het begin met n Rondo (duet) van Carulli waar die tema aanvanklik herhaal word en dan verder ontwikkel. In die tweede deel lei die een kitaar, terwyl n beweeglike nabootsing van die tema die ander eggo. Tàrrega se "Herinnerine aan die Alhambra" bly steeds n groot treffer en is entoesiasties toegejuig deur die gehoor. Die "Danza Espanola" deur Manuel de Falla het gevolg. Dit is n baie ritmiese stuk met sterk aksente wat die baie energie van die twee kitaarspelers verg.
Julius Oliva's dreamy "Flower on the water" formed a beautiful contrast, with its soft flowing melody in cantabile style - rendered with sensitivity by the artists. The love song "Estrillita" by Manuel Ponce was originally composed for the piano but Morgan Szymanski very successfully arranged it for two guitars. It was sheer pleasure to listen to this well known melody. The evening came to a close with two more recent Mexican pieces by Celso Machado and the lively "Jongo" by Paulo Bellanati which again showed that both guitarists were totally in tune with their instruments and with each other.
Vir liefhebbers van kitaarmusiek was dié uitvoering 'n sielsverrykende ervaring deur twee uitstaande musikante. En dan is hulle boonop sag op die oog! Ons sal hulle graag weer hier wil ontvang!
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